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Redding Remembered Oral History Articles & Georgetown Audio Links  

In 1975, Mrs. Phyllis Kroll had a dream...4 years later it was accomlished. 45 students (7th & 8th graders) achieved the goal of recording the first town history booklet since Todd's History of Redding second edition of 1906. Redding Remembered is a record of people and events- and the oral history students that cared enough to capture the past, the present, the famous and not-so-famous. 25 years later this amazing body of work enters the "cyber-world" and I hope all of you enjoy it as much as I do. Read the Redding Remembered Articles posted so far.

Audio from a "meeting of the minds" in 2001. Great stories and history relating to Georgetown, Connecticut can be heard by clicking on the links below. Brent & Harry Colley, Art Moore and Bertil Rosendahl discuss Georgetown's past.

Audio 1- Softball in Georgetown
Audio 2- Art Moore discusses Mr. Prunes
Audio 3- Bertil Rosendahl discusses G&B Post Office, Train Station and Buildings
Audio 4- Georgetown housing and the good will of former Selectman Harold Samuelson.
Audio 5- My Grandfather discussing his family's first house on Peaceable Street and Art Moore discusses Warrup's Rock
Audio 6- Stage Coach and Indian Trails through Little Boston and Georgetown
Audio 7- Bertil Rosendahl on Boy Scouts in Georgetown.
Audio 8- Boy Scouts in Georgetown continued.
Audio 9- Georgetown Village and the community spirit it once held.

If you do not have Flash player loaded on your machine you can download it at http://macromedia.com

Special thanks to our sponsor: Cloverdale Cleaner without their financial help I would never have been able to post this section of the site. If you would like to sponsor an audio section please contact me at bcolley@snet.net

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History of Redding is a not a business or an organization..It's one person working to promote the history of his hometown
and surrounding areas. All costs are out-of-pocket so donations and/or sponsorships will allow me to dedicate more time
and effort to research and updates.