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The Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1908-1994.  

Vernon Beck forwarded these photos for posting at the site. Thank you Vernon!

The first religious services were held in the home of Mrs. Edla Petterson

The dedication ceremonies for the newly completed church were held November 28, 1908

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lindstrom, first couple to be married in the new church October 1, 1909

Doctor John L. Benson, first student minister

Reverend Samuel R. Swenson, Pastor 1915-1918

Reverend Elmer L. Olsen, Pastor 1955-1964

The first parsonage and present Sunday School

The addition to the church was completed in 1958

Reverend Thomas B. Kline, 1965-1973

The new parsonage in Ridgefield, Connecticut

Members of the Young People's Society who appeared in one of the fund raising plays.

The Board of Administration - 1958

The Church Council - 1968

Charter members - Mrs. Esther Mattson, Mrs. Lydia Erikson, Mrs. Olga Johnson

The Church Choir - 1968.

Back row standing Signe Johnson, Anna R. Johnson, Frank (Frans) Johnson, Leonard Mattson, Olga (?Soderholm?) Johnson, August Johnson Sitting: Julius Johnson, Adela Peterson, Esther (Johnson) Mattson, Maurits Mattson, Gustave R. Johnson (Organist)

Front Row Standing: Alice Johnson, Helen E. Johnson, Bertha Johnson

Misc. Info. Signe and Julius were the parents of Alice, Helen, and Bertha Olga married August Johnson Anna and Frank were married (never had children) Helen was my mother, Signe and Julius my grandparents - Julius died before I was born. Anna was my mother's aunt (my great-aunt), Frank and August her uncles. Leonard Mattson had a sister Exenia who married Charles Johnson and had one child, Haldor. They divorced and Exenia married Bert Hall. August, Frank, and Julius were Brothers.


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