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Misc. Postcards and Photos of Redding, Connecticut (CT)  

Special thank you to Jarl Granskog for allowing me to borrow his postcards.


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Wiantenuck Farm, Redding Ridge, Conn. is the title of this Postcard. It was sent Nov. 8, 1910 to W.J. Masson to his son in Oklahoma City. The gentleman sending the postcard writes: "This is Peck's Windmill. It looks different than it did when you and I climbed it  on that windy day long ago." (postcard submitted by Jarl Granskog)

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The postcard reads: Villa Linta, Residence of Com. Liittgen, Redding Ridge, Conn. It was sent Oct. 11, 1910 to W.J. Masson to his son in Oklahoma City. The gentleman sending the postcard writes: "This is Howard Sherman's Palace..."(postcard submitted by Jarl Granskog)

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A view of Phillip's Cave and the log staircase leading across to it. Phillip was a runaway slave that lived in the cave at Putnam Park for several years living off his neighbors supply of livestock and agriculture.(postcard submitted by Jarl Granskog)

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Putnam Park Pond (pre-lillypad invasion). The view is from atop the lookout near the museum building. It is tough to see it but at 2 o'clock in the picture there is an icehouse with a loading channel extending into the pond.(postcard submitted by Jarl Granskog)

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A frontal view of the "Old Put Club" clubhouse. Notice the horse and buggy in front of the house.

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A view from the rear of the "Old Put Club" clubhouse.

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Putnam Park's commissioners, with Soldier's Bridge in left background in 1906.

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The same view as above in 1991.

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Officer's cabin in Putnam Park from a postcard published by H.S. Hoyt of Bethel, CT in 1908.(postcard submitted by Jarl Granskog)

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Waiting for the start of a joyful and long-remembered 1919 welcome home celebration at Putnam Park were a soldier, Jack O"Keefe, Samuel C. Shaw, Milo Osborn (with hat and cigar), Lemuel Sanford, and Alice Sanford, the young lady with flag.(From 1967 Redding Bicentennial Program, Historical Society Photos)

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The West Redding general store, when it was also a rail station and post office, about 1920. A long succession of owners have "kept store" here; J. Birdsey Sanford (not a relative of E.P.) for one of the longest periods.(From 1967 Redding Bicentennial Program, Historical Society Photos)     

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From right to left: Jap, John and Mondo at the Georgetown Market in 1959.

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A 1911 postcard of Putnam Lake. This postcard was purchased at English Drug in Bethel sometime around the turn of the century. The view is from the road (Rt. 58) midway across the pond looking toward Redding. *Notice the Clubhouse in the background-this was the clubhouse of the Rogers Peat Company's hunting club.

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If you read the Georgetown history page, you may remember this man: George Washington Gilbert- He is the hermit Jim Driscoll mentions. George lived in an abandoned house foundation for most of his life. Born in 1847, he died in 1924.
If you missed the article-here's the link: Mr. Driscoll

Topstone Train Station, also referred to as Sanford Station.

Topstone Train Station in 1910.

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